Stage 1: Wake-Up/Shock
1. How often do you feel overwhelmed by the reality of your divorce?
o A) Almost always—I'm still in disbelief.
o B) Often, but I'm starting to accept it.
o C) Occasionally—it still hits me sometimes.
o D) Rarely—I’m mostly past that stage.
2. When thinking about the future, do you feel paralyzed with fear or uncertainty?
o A) Yes, I’m completely lost.
o B) I feel uncertain, but I'm trying to figure things out.
o C) I feel somewhat anxious, but have some direction.
o D) No, I’m focused on moving forward.
3. Are you experiencing physical symptoms like trouble sleeping, changes in appetite, or exhaustion?
o A) Yes, all the time—it's affecting my daily life.
o B) Frequently, but I’m managing.
o C) Occasionally, when I’m stressed.
o D) No, I’m feeling more stable now.
4. How easy is it for you to get through daily tasks?
o A) Very difficult—I struggle to function.
o B) Difficult, but I'm pushing through.
o C) Manageable, though I have rough days.
o D) Fairly easy—I’m able to keep up.
5. Do you find yourself constantly thinking about your ex-spouse or replaying past events?
o A) Yes, I can't stop thinking about it.
o B) Often, but I’m trying to move on.
o C) Occasionally—it’s not as consuming.
o D) Rarely—I’ve mostly let go.
Stage 2: Triage/Prioritize
6. How well have you been able to prioritize your immediate needs (housing, finances, legal issues)?
o A) I’m completely overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.
o B) I’ve started, but I’m struggling to stay organized.
o C) I’m making progress, but there’s still work to do.
o D) I feel confident about my plan.
7. Have you sought regular medical check-ups and informed your doctors about the divorce?
o A) No, I haven’t thought about it.
o B) I’ve considered it but haven’t acted yet.
o C) Yes, but not consistently.
o D) Yes, I’ve been proactive about my health.
8. Are you consciously reducing or avoiding toxic influences in your life?
o A) No, I’m still surrounded by negativity.
o B) I’m trying, but it’s hard to let go.
o C) I’ve cut out some negative influences.
o D) Yes, I’m protecting my peace.
9. Have you limited your inner circle to 3 trusted people who fully support you?
o A) No, I talk to too many people about my situation.
o B) I’m starting to narrow it down.
o C) Mostly, but I still overshare at times.
o D) Yes, I’m very selective now.
10. Do you have a positive and clear script when talking to others about your divorce and your ex-spouse?
o A) No, I struggle with what to say.
o B) I have a script but often go off track.
o C) Sometimes—I’m getting better at it.
o D) Yes, I’m confident in what I share.
Stage 3: Breathe/Stabilize
11. How often do you engage in self-care practices like journaling, meditation, or therapy?
o A) Never—I don’t have the energy.
o B) Rarely, but I want to do more.
o C) Occasionally—I try when I can.
o D) Regularly—I make it a priority.
12. Have you been able to take control of your finances independently?
o A) No, I feel completely lost.
o B) I’ve started but still feel overwhelmed.
o C) I’m gaining control, though it’s challenging.
o D) Yes, I feel confident about my finances.
13. When talking to acquaintances about your divorce, do you use a positive narrative?
o A) No, I often end up venting.
o B) Sometimes, but it’s hard to stay positive.
o C) Mostly, but it depends on my mood.
o D) Yes, I always aim for positivity.
14. How much progress have you made in letting go of resentment and forgiving your ex-spouse?
o A) None—I still feel angry.
o B) Some, but I hold onto grudges.
o C) I’m getting there—it’s a work in progress.
o D) A lot—I feel more at peace.
15. How stable do you feel in your current environment (home, work, relationships)?
o A) Very unstable—I’m constantly stressed.
o B) Somewhat unstable, but I’m working on it.
o C) Generally stable, but with occasional setbacks.
o D) Very stable—I feel grounded.
Stage 4: Make Yourself Marketable in Your Business and Personal Life
16. Are you starting to think about enhancing your career or business skills?
o A) No, I’m not ready to focus on that yet.
o B) I’ve thought about it but haven’t taken steps.
o C) I’m exploring options but haven’t committed.
o D) Yes, I’m actively working on it.
17. Are you investing in your personal development (like taking courses, exploring hobbies)?
o A) No, I don’t have the energy.
o B) I want to but haven’t made the time.
o C) Occasionally—I’m trying to fit it in.
o D) Yes, I’m fully engaged in self-improvement.
18. How comfortable do you feel with reconnecting socially or networking?
o A) I avoid it altogether.
o B) I’m hesitant but trying to ease into it.
o C) I’m comfortable in some situations.
o D) Very comfortable—I’m eager to connect.
19. Are you setting boundaries with people who drain your energy?
o A) No, I still let people overstep.
o B) I’m working on it, but it’s hard.
o C) I’ve started setting some boundaries.
o D) Yes, I’m firm with my boundaries.
20. Are you actively identifying areas in your life that need change to start fresh?
o A) No, I feel stuck.
o B) I’ve thought about it, but it’s overwhelming.
o C) I’m working on it step by step.
o D) Yes, I’m excited about making changes.
Stage 5: Step Out as the New, Independent 2.0 Version of Yourself
21. Do you feel excited about designing a new life and embracing your independence?
o A) No, I’m still too scared.
o B) I’m interested but unsure how to start.
o C) I’m starting to feel hopeful.
o D) Yes, I’m ready to embrace the future.
22. Have you set clear goals for your emotional, physical, and financial well-being?
o A) No, I haven’t thought that far ahead.
o B) I have some goals, but they’re not clear.
o C) I’ve started outlining goals.
o D) Yes, I have a clear action plan.
23. Are you taking steps to prioritize your physical health (e.g., exercise, diet, doctor’s visits)?
o A) No, I’ve neglected it completely.
o B) Occasionally, but not consistently.
o C) I’m making progress, but it’s slow.
o D) Yes, I’m fully committed to my health.
24. Do you feel confident speaking about your divorce journey in a positive way?
o A) No, it’s still too painful.
o B) I’m trying, but it’s hard to stay positive.
o C) Mostly, but I have off days.
o D) Yes, I’m proud of how far I’ve come.
25. Are you genuinely content with who you are becoming and open to new relationships or opportunities?
o A) Not at all—I still have a lot of healing to do.
o B) I’m starting to feel better about myself.
o C) I’m gaining confidence but still hesitant.
o D) Yes, I’m excited for what’s next.
Use your responses to reflect on where you currently stand and identify which areas might need more attention. Take this as an opportunity to pause, reassess, and prioritize your healing journey.